Applicant's first and last name:
Applicant's e-mail:
Applicant's home institution:
PI (first and last name) of the home institution:
E-mail address of the PI at the home institution:
Host institution:
PI of the host institution (first and last name):
E-mail address of the PI at the host institution:
Research project title
Scientific background, significance and objectives: Maximum 2000 characters with spaces 0 / 2000
Current status of the project in your lab & preliminary results: Maximum 2000 characters with spaces 0 / 2000
Specific aims and methodology (be clear and concise about your planned experiment(s) and activities): Maximum 4000 characters with spaces 0 / 4000
Justification for the chosen lab to visit: Maximum 1000 characters with spaces 0 / 1000
References of relevant publications for the project (from your own groups or others): No more than 10
Ethical concerns:yesno
[group group-ethical-concerns-yes clear_on_hide] Details: Maximum 500 characters with spaces 0 / 500[/group]
Safety concerns:yesno
[group group-safety-concerns clear_on_hide] Details: Maximum 500 characters with spaces 0 / 500 [/group]
Is your sample ready?yesnodoes no correspond
[group group-sample-ready clear_on_hide] Details: Maximum 500 characters with spaces 0 / 500 [/group]
Travel planning: From XX/XX/2024 to XX/XX/2024
Budget (travel, accommodation, facilities fees): Maximum 500 characters with spaces 0 / 500
Applicant CV - Maximum 1 page
The present proposal needs to be accompanied by a letter of support from the student supervisor/s and one from the host-lab PI (maximum 1 page each). Letter from student supervisor/s: Letter from the host-lab PI:
Today we recognize the fundamental role of women in science and the importance of promoting equal opportunities in the scientific field. 💡 Let’s continue inspiring and supporting future generations to build a more inclusive and innovative future. #WomanInScience