Research center
The Biomedical Research Center was created in 2004 due to Dr. Rafael Radi's initiative. It is a center of excellence in chemical and biomedical research with international recognition.
While the Research Center, based in the Department of Biochemistry of the School of Medicine, operates as an interdisciplinary and multi-institutional academic space, it brings together researchers and topics in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology of redox processes. Additionally, it interacts with multiple departments and research units from the Faculties of Medicine, Science, Chemistry, the Institute of Biological Research, and the Pasteur Institut of Montevideo.

Research lines
An important focus of our activities has been and continues to be the active participation in the training of high-quality human resources. Currently, several students are pursuing PhD studies in PROINBIO, PEDECIBA-Biology, and PEDECIBA-Chemistry. Additionally, both local and foreign students and professors are actively involved in internships, conducting research in chemical, biological, pathophysiological, and pharmacological aspects of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, in various laboratories within the Center. More recently, the Center has made connections with the pharmaceutical and food industries, providing consultation in the field of Free Radicals and Antioxidants in Chemistry and Biology.
There is a growing interest from the industry in the development of antioxidant compounds that are being developed and evaluated in our laboratories as well as in the functional analysis and antioxidant properties of natural products and food.
- Shimadzu Spectrophotometer
- Hypoxic Chamber (Coy Instruments) currently being installed
- Stopped-Flow Spectrometers (Applied Photophysics, SF MV18
- Flow Cytometer (BD FACSCalibur)
- HPLC System with UV-Vis, Electrochemical, and Fluorimetric Detection (Agilent)
- Equipment for Vascular Reactivity Studies, Isometric Transducer (Radnotti)
- PCR Equipment
- Spectrophotometers (Shimadzu and Varian)
- ESI-Type Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (Applied Biosystems)
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer (Bruker)
- Fluorimeter (AMINCO SLM)
- Avda. Gral. Flores 2125 - Montevideo - URUGUAY
- +598 2 924 9562 - Fax: +598 2 924 9563
- rradi@fmed.edu.uy
- https://www.ceinbio.edu.uy