Research center
The Leloir Institute Foundation (FIL) is a center for scientific research dedicated to research and human resources formation through postgraduate teaching in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology.
It is a non-profit organization that operates under Argentinian legal regulations. It was established in 1947 under the leadership of Dr. Luis Federico Leloir (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1970).
It is closely associated with CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Quilmes, and the University of San Martin.

Research lines
The research conducted in the laboratories at FIL can be grouped into four major areas: Cellular Biology and Cancer, Neuroscience and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Molecular Microbiology and Vaccine Development, and Genetics and Molecular Biology of Plants of Agronomic Interest.
Furthermore, FIL has made significant progress in recent years in Technology Transfer through the creation of the Inis Biotech company and a biotechnology entrepreneurship incubator.
- 600 MHz NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe.
- X-ray diffractometer.
- Crystallization robot.
- Controlled-temperature room for crystal growth.
- Biophysical techniques (CD, fluorescence, stopped flow, biosensor, ITC).
- Extensive equipment for protein chemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology.
- State-of-the-art animal facility.
- Confocal microscopy laboratory.
- Av. Patricias Argentinas 435. Ciudad de Bs As. (C1405BWE). Argentina.
- +54-11- 5238-7500
- sklinke@leloir.org.ar
- http://www.leloir.org.ar/