PROPOSAL DETAILS Mobility Fellowships - Fast Track

You are applying for a Fast Track Fellowship. This option caters to urgent needs such as finalizing ongoing experiments or addressing specific challenges. Funding is up to USD 1000 for support travel/lodging expenses, as well as facility bench fees.

    Ethical concerns:yesno

    Safety concerns:yesno

    Is your sample ready?yesnodoes no correspond

    The present proposal needs to be accompanied by a letter of support from the student supervisor/s and one from the host-lab PI (maximum 1 page each).
    Letter from student supervisor/s:
    Letter from the host-lab PI:

    ¡Se viene la Escuela de Modelado de Biomoléculas!

    🗓️ Del 29/07 al 10/08 en una edición presencial.

    💥 Bonus: el encuentro termina con el 2do Simposio Conesul de Simulación Biomolecular.

    👉 Early bird hasta el 15/5, más información acá:

    This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Chang Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley.